Lizards are the most abundant of the reptiles, comprising nearly 6,000 species worldwide. They are usually recognized by their dry, scaly skin, four legs with clawed feet, and external ear openings. Unlike snakes, which are legless, most lizards run over the ground.
Although some lizards eat plants, most lizards feed on insects. The most common types feed on beetles, ants, wasps, aphids, grasshoppers, and spiders. Lizards cause no measurable damage to plants in gardens and may be beneficial by eating pest insects and should be left alone.
Lizard Infections are Colds and Respiratory Infections, Mouth Rot (Stomatitis) ,Fungal Infections and Parasitic Diseases Worm Diseases ,Mites and Ticks
Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD or Avitaminosis):
Indications: softening of the bone, loss of teeth, repetitive bone fractures, paralysis, convulsions, digestive problems, skin changes (such as loss of color, spots, cracks), shedding problems, eye problems (including clouding and swelling) and various other infections of the skin and internal organs
Vitamin Excess (Hypervitaminosis):
Dosages that are consistently too high can sometimes lead to damage as serious as that caused by not enough vitamins. Excessive Vitamin D can cause the onset of calcification of the arteries and uncontrollable bone and cartilage growth can occur.
Improper diet can sometimes lead to diarrhea and similar digestive disturbances.
Digestive Problems:
Improper diet can sometimes lead to diarrhea and similar digestive disturbances.
Gastritis and Enteritis:
Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining and enteritis is an inflammation of the intestines